Bloomin' Metric®:
Electronic Navigation
We have provided vital but simple technical information below about how you can navigate safely around the routes both electronically and using a cue sheet. Two weeks before, a week before and a day before the event, all paid participants will receive an email "invite" containing a link. This will give you full access to navigate the routes with turn-by-turn audio and/or visual cues and access to download a cue sheet (also available at check-in). You do not need a paid account with RWGPS. Navigate electronically with your smart phone or any other navigation device like Garmin, Wahoo, Hammerhead, etc.
Starting with Using Your Phone
For the best results and ease of the process when using your smart phone, the first thing you should do if you do not already have it, is download the RWGPS app to your phone and create an account for free. After you do that, log into the account you just set up. DO NOT WAIT wait until the day of the event to do this. You can set it up on your phone well in advance of the first invite link arriving.
The app icon looks like this.
The app icon looks like this.

Download the app from your app store.

When you do receive your Invite Link and click on it using your smart phone, it will add an Events icon on the home page of your phone's RWGPS app where all the routes will reside. We strongly suggest you IMMEDIATELY download the routes directly into your RWGPS app's library. By doing this and navigating from there, no data will be used nor Internet will be needed while you ride. See the video below.

Starting with Using Your Computer
When doing this in advance of receiving your Invite Link and starting from a desktop/laptop, go to https://ridewithgps.com and Join for Free. When you click on the link, it will open up on the RWGPS website where you create an account for free. You would only do this if you wish to download the routes directly to your navigation devices or to get to the cue sheets to print out.
Click the button below to watch a video that explains everything you need to do once you receive the link that invites you to the Event.
Save Your Invite E-mail!
If there are any last minute changes in the routes due to unforeseen circumstances, we can make changes instantaneously. Those revisions will automatically update the routes we sent you earlier. You can update your devices and smart phones on the fly.

Garmin, Wahoo, etc . . .
Many cyclists have been using these devices for years and pretty much know how they work and how you transfer the data from the links we provide. Some cyclists will transfer their ride(s) via a Bluetooth connection from their phones, while some choose to plug it into their computers. Don't forget to pin your routes. Planning ahead is the key. So, loading the routes ahead of time into your devices is a good plan.
Your Smart Phone

Other cyclists elect to use their smart phones instead of Garmins, Wahoos and Karoos, and if you have only used cue sheets in the past this is a great opportunity to use this option. It's very easy to set up. If you already own a smart phone, you can use it to navigate the route without having to read a cue sheet. Just turn up your volume and the cues will all be read to you. Not only will you hear the turn cues at the precise spot being read off to you but all the advance warning cues and custom alerts cues as well. If you get a phone mount for your bike, you will even see the cues right on the phone. All you need to do is go to your phone's app store and download the Ride with GPS app for free and set up a free account. The video above will step you through the process. Getting your route ahead of time into your phone is a good plan.

Cue Sheets
If you find electronics completely daunting with absolutely no hope in figuring it out, you can download and print out a cue sheet (and map) from RWGPS. It's best to use your computer and click on the link that will be sent to you. The rides will open up on RWGPS's website. Sign in with your account if you set one up in advance. Otherwise you will have to create an account.
1.) Click on the orange Continue to event button.
2.) Click on the ride you intend to do on the left side of the page and then click on the orange Go to route link.
3.) Click on the More box at the top and select Print Map & Cue PDF or Print Cuesheet.
Please do this well in advance of the ride.
1.) Click on the orange Continue to event button.
2.) Click on the ride you intend to do on the left side of the page and then click on the orange Go to route link.
3.) Click on the More box at the top and select Print Map & Cue PDF or Print Cuesheet.
Please do this well in advance of the ride.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If there should be a last minute change in any of the routes, we can make the change electronically, which is why we are sending one more link to you the day before and we will note that there was a change. Your cue sheet will have to be reprinted at home. The cue sheet at the event will NOT be accurate. If you downloaded your ride into the RWGPS app's library on your phone, the route should automatically update., but please check. Those with Garmins and the like will need to unpin and repin their ride to update the route. See the video.